Interior Design and Redesign

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Arrange Your Stuff! Has Finally Arrived

I've just created a very unusual manual for any interior redesigner (or someone wanting to learn how to arrange their furniture like a professional).

It approaches interior redesign from an easy to follow series of sketches (well over 100) with some brief copy of explanation and my handwritten notes to show you how I personally solved the arrangement problems in 33 living/family rooms and 3 bedrooms.

Some of the rooms have been thoroughly dissected, giving you not only the "before" arrangement, but up to 6 "after" arrangements, explaining the concepts behind all of them. Since most rooms can be successfully arranged in several different configurations, you'll learn exactly how and why I study the room and pull everything out of it I can pull.

The manual is called "Arrange Your Stuff".

Check it out at: Arrange Your Stuff

Enjoy decorating,

Barbara Jennings, Certified Redesign Specialist


  • You're very welcome, Terry. I truly hope this will, together with Decor Secrets Revealed, lift the maze for many people. I totally understand that it's one thing to understand the concept or theory, but it's altogether different to be able to apply it to a given situation. I hope "Arrange Your Stuff" will let people see my throught process.

    By Blogger Barbara Jennings, at 10:22 AM  

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