Outdoor Decoration Tips
Colors and Accents
Inspiration and Themes
If you don't have a theme, choose one that blends with the style of your home or the colors you have painted your home. Don't feel that you have to choose one style and only one style. Mix two styles together. Mix even more for a very eclectic look, just make sure you have one style dominate the other.
- Easily add color to your yards by putting in plants, pots, a railing, window boxes, hanging flower pots, colored baskets, painted benches, wooden boxes, metal pots, an assortment of wind chimes.Paint your tired old gate or fence. Recover old chair cushions, b
uy a new table cloth, visit 2nd hand stores and pickup some color coordinated dishes. Get a new umbrella. A strong color on your back wall will really add flair as a backdrop.
- Plant colorful and sweet smelling flowers near your windows so you can enjoy the fragrance when you have your windows open.
Inspiration and Themes
If you don't have a theme, choose one that blends with the style of your home or the colors you have painted your home. Don't feel that you have to choose one style and only one style. Mix two styles together. Mix even more for a very eclectic look, just make sure you have one style dominate the other.
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