Mix Up Your Decorating Style
Don't be afraid to mix up your style, your colors, sizes and shapes. While the colors do need to blend, staying too focused on one and only one palette or style becomes rather boring and expected.
Even mix up your eras and patterns.
You want your rooms to be exciting and interesting - even surprising.
Bring in some additional plants and accessories. Buy big! Most people I redesign for have few accessories and almost no plants.
And what they do have is very small and hard to work with. They buy cheap accessories when they should be putting their best money into the accessories.
Because your personality is expressed by your accessories, not your sofa and chairs.
So don't let your accessories (or lack of them) drive down your room's ambience.
Even mix up your eras and patterns.
You want your rooms to be exciting and interesting - even surprising.
Bring in some additional plants and accessories. Buy big! Most people I redesign for have few accessories and almost no plants.
And what they do have is very small and hard to work with. They buy cheap accessories when they should be putting their best money into the accessories.
Because your personality is expressed by your accessories, not your sofa and chairs.
So don't let your accessories (or lack of them) drive down your room's ambience.